Friday, August 7, 2020

CSA Newsletter for Week 8


Farm Update

Hi everyone!  It was another big week at the farm last week, and we got several huge projects done!  We harvested and brought in about 5,000 pounds of potatoes, and now they're taking up almost our entire walk-in cooler!  All in all, it took our crew about 24 man hours to accomplish it, but we were able to knock it out before Fred hit the road for the Midland drop-off on Thursday!  The crew also got done several major weeding projects this week, taking care of plant beds that had gotten out of hand, but are thankfully now back under control.  Fred did plenty of planting this week as well; he was able to get the next round of carrots, cilantro, dill, cabbage, and lettuce into the ground for future weeks of the CSA.  As always, there's still a mountain of stuff that needs to be done, but it feels so good to be making progress instead of getting deeper into the hole.  And thank you to all of you guys for coming along for the ride!  We so appreciate all of the encouraging words and well wishes you guys have sent our way over the last few weeks!  Despite being in the CSA for a while, many people don't realize that the acronym stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  And this is a perfect example of how the community support keeps us going through all of the crazy stuff a farm season can throw at us!  Thanks so much, and we'll see you all in week 8!

What to Expect in Your Share

If you are going through the line at one of our traditional style drop-offs (Alma, Mt. Pleasant, and Midland), here’s what the options will be at the different stations.  If you have a half share, you’ll choose one item at each station, and if you have a full share, you choose two items at each station! 

  • Carrots or beets
  • Potatoes
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Kale or Swiss chard
  • Leeks or fresh bunched onions
  • Basil or microgreens
  • Garlic or mini cabbage

If you have a prepacked share, here are your options.  If you have a half share, you’ll choose either share A, B, or C, and if you have a full share, you can choose two of them.  So just fill out this Google form by lunchtime the day before your drop-off to let me know which share you want for this week!  If I don't hear from you, I'll just choose for you. :-)

Share A:  Carrots, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, kale, leeks, microgreens, and garlic.

Share B:  
Carrots, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, kale, onions, basil, and garlic.

Share C:  
Carrots, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, Swiss chard, onions, microgreens, and mini cabbage.



I'm so thrilled to finally have a ton of cherry tomatoes!  They're one of my all-time favorite veggies, and there is so much more you can do with them than throw them in a salad!  If you're looking for ideas, check out these 21 Cherry Tomato Recipes from Rachael Ray! 

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