Farm Update
Hello everyone! The weather is definitely turning, and we are transitioning to fall at the farm. We had a nice rain last night that will definitely help along our final lettuce planting of the year, which we just transplanted the other day. We are starting to plant more in the coldframes as well for fall and winter. In fact, our fall crops are getting closer to ready, and we'll probably start harvesting the first of the sweet potatoes at the end of the week. The Brussels sprouts are also really filling out, and we just need a little more cool weather to really bring out the good flavor before we put them in the shares. The fall Brassicas (like cabbage and broccoli) are looking really healthy, as are the late season carrot plantings. We're looking at another really busy week at the farm, but for right now, we're taking a bit of a break this weekend. Fred's brother and his wife are in town from Virginia this weekend, so rather than write a full newsletter, I'm doing the abridged version so we can spend more time with them. So enjoy this week's (significantly shorter) newsletter! :-)
What to Expect in Your Share this Week
Here are the options in each veggie station this week! If you have a half share, you'll choose one from each category, and if you have a full share, you'll choose two.
Snap beans or cooking greens
Cherry tomatoes
Delicata squash
Lettuce or beets
Kale or 4 tomatoes
Pepper or onion
Eggplant, cilantro, or sweet potato greens
If you have your share delivered to your home or workplace, or if you pick up at our East Lansing drop-off, here are your options for this week. If you have a half share, choose one, and if you have a full share, choose two.
Share A: Share B:
Snap beans Cooking greens
Cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes
Delicata squash Delicata squash
Lettuce Beets
Kale 4 Tomatoes
Sweet pepper Onion
Cilantro Eggplant
If you have a preference for share A or share B, just let me know by noonish the day before your delivery day, and I'll make sure you get your preferred share. If you don't have a preference, I'll just choose for you. :-)

One of the most frequent questions I've been asked for the last two weeks is, "What do you do with the delicata squash?" Delicatas are one of those wonderful secrets of the produce world; many people are unfamiliar with them, but once they're introduced to them, they become a fast favorite. We usually slice them lengthwise and bake them in the oven, then sprinkle them with butter and brown sugar. Or you could try this recipe for
Roasted Delicata Squash from Summer Tomato. Enjoy!
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